SSL Certificate Problems

If you encounter issues with the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on your domain or subdomain, here are some things to check once you are logged in to Plesk:

Check if the Certificate is Expired or Invalid

If the certificate is expired or invalid:

  • Reissue the certificate

  • Wait a full 2 hours

  • Clear your cache to ensure the changes are applied correctly

If the Certificate is NOT Expired

If the certificate is not expired:

  • Unassign the certificate from the domain

  • Reassign the certificate to the domain

  • Wait a full 2 hours

  • Clear your cache to ensure the changes are applied correctly

Further Support

If after following the above steps, waiting a full 2 hours, and clearing your cache, the problem is not fixed, please post a topic in the Customer Support forum. Make sure you provide your username, domain name, and any applicable error message(s) received.

Last updated