Education Accounts

Education Accounts

HelioHost is a popular choice for students and educators, and we are happy to provide Education accounts on our free Johnny server for your school lessons and projects when possible.

Before Signup

All users must be at least 13 years old to use HelioHost. Education accounts must agree to our Terms of Service. In some cases, we may need to verify the teacher's ID to make sure the request is legitimate.

Signup Process

The best way to request Education accounts is to create a new post in the Customer Service forum and provide us with the school email addresses of any teachers or students who would like an account so we can process it as a group request. Skipping this step or having teachers or students sign up for their own accounts separately will likely result in everyone's account at your school being flagged as duplicates and suspended by our automated Multiple Account Detection system.

If you prefer to contact us by email, please note that our support email system does not accept file attachments, so you must provide the list of school email addresses inside the email message itself. Creating a forum post as recommended above will allow you to upload a file, if needed.

Once we receive the request for Education accounts, we may need to verify the teacher's ID to make sure the request is legitimate. If the request is approved, we will send account creation invites to every email contact provided. They will each receive a personalized link to click on in order to create an account. The link will be valid for 7 days.

Once users have clicked the link in their email and confirmed they agree to follow our Terms of Service, they will be prompted to choose a username and domain name, and guided through the entire account creation process.

Once we have sent the invites, the provided email addresses can be removed from public view for privacy.

If you accidentally forgot to include any contacts who need Education accounts in your initial request, just send us their details in another request, and we can send more account creation invites as needed.

After Signup

Each person on HelioHost is allowed to have one account. Teachers or students who wish to use their education accounts to work on personal, non-school projects are welcome to do so using the same account since each account can have up to 10 domains. Please follow the steps on our Addon Domains page to request additional domains on your account.

Although the primary email address on Education accounts should be the account holder's school email address, HelioHost admins can add a secondary email address to the account for users who also wish to have their personal email address attached to the account.

Additional Information

Once you no longer need the account for school, you are welcome to keep using it for your personal projects if you wish.

If you would like to change your account username, you can choose a new username by following our Account Reset process. When recreating your account, you will be able to choose a different username and domain name. Once the account has been reset, you can change the email address on your account if you prefer to use your personal email address instead of your school email.

Further Support

To request Education accounts for yourself or your students, or if you have further questions, please create a new post in the Customer Service forum. If you already have an account with HelioHost, please make sure you provide your username, your domain name, and relevant details about your question or the problem you're having.

This page was last edited on 28 February 2025, at 16:18.