
About Next.js

Next.js is a popular full stack framework for node.js, it utilizes React for frontend and is packed with awesome features like server-side rendering. It also includes API routes and much more.


Go into your project root (if you don't have a project, learn how to create one here)

Create a new file called start.js and put this inside:

const path = require('path');
const nextPath = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'next');

process.argv.length = 1;
process.argv.push(nextPath, 'start');


Server setup

Upload all your files to your Tommy server. Then go to the Node.js section and set the following:

  • Node.js Version: At least 14.21.0 (though we highly recommend using the latest one: 17.9.1)

  • Application Root: / (Folder where you uploaded your next project, we recommend /)

  • Application Startup File: start.js (the file created earlier)

  • Custom environment variables: PORT = 8888

  • Optionally: Custom environment variables: NODE\_ENV = production

Starting the server

Once all of the above steps are done, you can press the Enable Node.js button.

Then you need to press the NPM install button.

And then Run script, Script name: build

After that finishes, you just need to wait for the server to update your account and start using Node.js, this may take a while.

Last updated